


The article discusses the peculiarities of the aspirations of young and mature people to success, the peculiarities of reflecting and manifesting success as a multifaceted phenomenon, combined and identified in literature and research, in various spheres of life. Considering that professional activity occupies an important place in the life of every person, naturally, it is checked and evaluated both in terms of overall satisfaction and in terms of a sense of success; therefore, these issues are of paramount importance to society.From this point of view, multidimensional socio-psychological phenomena and problems of symmetry or asymmetry of personality and profession are always relevant. Thus, we can say that the work activity is of a public nature. A person creates social values and gets the opportunity to take advantage of the values created by other people. In the context of achieving success, the article also highlighted the component of personal self-expression, given that the work is divided into areas in which a person carries out professional activities, depending on the functions, means of implementation and result. The issue of separating the manifestations of success, in particular success factors related to the military sphere, which in its essence and content has a kind of applied significance, was also raised.In the course of determining the levels of performance assessment, it was found that the normal expression of the general emotionality of the subjects and its individual components directly affects the level of success.And the desire for success is based on certain socio-psychological factors, which we discussed in the article, which, as a certain level of success, depend on a person's social status, improvement of social status and the resulting sense of satisfaction. It was confirmed that high success rates are also due to the desire to achieve the set goals. Which are also mutually conditioned by the level and problems of ensuring psychological, information and physical security, as well as the moral and psychological state, that is, the state of mind of each subject in a given period and in specific conditions, that is, a state that is expressed in their combat activity and readiness to act in accordance with the established procedure in emergency situations.


Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khacatur Abovyan

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