Alhanatleh Hasan,Akkaya Murat
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have been used by organizations for years, whereas, Cloud ERP systems gained audience a few years ago both from practitioners and academicians. As such, there is a migration from the traditional ERP to the Cloud ERP system, and employees in most organizations are accustomed to the traditional ERP system. In order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Cloud ERP system used in the operation stage. Organizations need to research the factors that have an impact on users’ satisfaction and managerial decision making. There is a great deal of prior studies that measured users' adoption of ERP systems using a technological acceptance model (TAM). Thus, this study also utilized the TAM model in examining the factors that influence users’ adoption of Cloud ERP systems. To get the maximum value of the validity and reliability of the findings, the study was conducted in two folds which are pre-implementation and post-implementation. In addition, structural equation modelling was employed to reach the findings. Finally, the study identified the technology factor, employee factor, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use as important variables for affecting Cloud ERP adoption; and as important antecedents influencing managerial decision making. This study comes to be the first study to employ the TAM model in the Cloud ERP area in two waves: pre-post implementation phases. Interestingly, the relationships between the variables in pre and post-implementation do not differ significantly.
Management & Economics Research Journal, Ziane Achour University of Djelfa
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