Review: In-Water Systems to Reactively Manage Biofouling in Sea Chests and Internal Pipework


Growcott Abraham,Kluza Daniel,Georgiades Eugene


AbstractSea chests are cavities built into a vessel's hull to aid the efficiency of pumping seawater into internal pipework systems. Sea chests and internal pipework are known hotspots for the accumulation of biofouling, and vessel biofouling is a major pathway for the introduction and spread of nonindigenous marine species. The use of preventive strategies to minimize biofouling within sea chests and internal pipework is difficult due to their structural complexity; therefore, reactive methods to manage the associated biosecurity risk are required. This review examines the efficacy, environmental considerations, and cost of different systems to reactively manage sea chest and internal pipework biofouling within operationally realistic time frames (<3 days) and identifies those that warrant further investigation. Physical removal systems with recapture capability should be developed for accessible areas (e.g., grates), as such systems provide an operational benefit to the vessel. For internal and inaccessible surfaces, the development of thermal systems, particularly steam systems, is encouraged as they offer broad-spectrum efficacy at obtainable temperatures and require relatively short exposure periods. Compared to chemical treatments, thermal treatments are less influenced by environmental variables (e.g., temperature, water chemistry) and regulatory constraints.


Marine Technology Society


Ocean Engineering,Oceanography

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