1. University of California at Berkeley
2. University of Oslo, Norway
The National Science Foundation–sponsored report Fostering Learning in the Networked World called for “a common, open platform to support communities of developers and learners in ways that enable both to take advantage of advances in the learning sciences.” We review research on science inquiry learning environments (ILEs) to characterize current platforms. We searched databases and 11 major science and technology journals and identified 30 distinct ILEs investigated in articles published from 2008 onwards. We use research-based inquiry principles to analyze ILE features that support learners, teachers, developers, and researchers. We identify ILEs that are taking advantage of learning sciences research, building on the accomplishments of others, and creating the platforms envisioned in the report. We hope that this review will help teachers, designers, and researchers identify platforms they can customize and enhance rather than starting anew if unnecessary. Enhancing existing platforms combines the efforts of many individuals and, thus, strengthens the field.
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Cited by
61 articles.