The Seventh Louis Bleriot Lecture was given in Paris on 10th March 1954, by Mr. Raoul Hafner, F.R.Ae.S., under the auspices of the Association Française des Ingenieurs et Tèchniciens de L'Aèronautique (A.F.I.T.A.)The Lecture was attended by the President, Sir William S. Farren, C.B., M.B.E., F.R.S., F.R.Ae.S., and several members of Council of the Royal Aeronautical Society, by the Secretary, Dr. A. M. Ballantyne, T.D., A.F.R.Ae.S., members of the Society and of the British Aircraft Industry, and by a large and distinguished French audience.Monsieur Jules Jarry, President of A.F.I.T.A., presided at the meeting and welcomed the guests before introducing Sir William Farren, President of the Society.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Cited by
4 articles.
1. V/STOL. New Vehicles and Economic Prospects;Air Transport Economics in the Supersonic Era;1973
2. The Second Century Papers: Looking Ahead in Aeronautics—13;The Aeronautical Journal;1968-12
3. The Control of Helicopter Rotor Vibration;The Journal of the Helicopter Association of Great Britain;1956-01
4. The Helicopter—Has It a Future?;The Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society;1955-11