1. Young A. D. Notes on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Parachutes. R.A.E. Report No. Aero. 1752. (A.R.C. 5886). May 1942.
2. Richards G. J. Tests in the R.A.E. Large Wind Tunnel on the “Squidding” of Parachutes. R.A.E. Report No. Exe./125. June 1942.
3. Duncan W. J. The Cause of the Spontaneous Opening and Closing of Parachutes. (The Phenomena of “Squidding”). R. & M. No. 2119. December 1943.
4. Howard H. B. Loads and Opening Times of Parachutes. C.T.I. Tech. Note No. 155. October 1944.
5. O'Hara F. , and Thompson A. G. An Investigation of the Forces on Equipment During Parachute Development. Report No. A.F.E.E./Res. 15. April 1945.