The predual of the space of convolutors on a locally compact group


Cowling Michael


Let Cvp(G) be the space of convolution operators on the Lebesgue space LP(G), for an arbitrary locally compact group G. We describe Cvp(G) as a dual space, whose predual, is a Banach algebra of functions on G, under pointwise operations, with maximal ideal space G. This involves a variation of Herz's definition of AP(G); the benefit of this new definition is that all of Cvp(G) is obtained as the dual in the nonamenable setting. We also discuss further developments of this idea.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


General Mathematics

Reference11 articles.

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1. Rigidity results for L-operator algebras and applications;Advances in Mathematics;2024-08

2. The approximation property for locally compact quantum groups;Advances in Mathematics;2024-02

3. Riesz Transforms on $$ax+b$$ Groups;The Journal of Geometric Analysis;2023-04-29

4. Isomorphisms of algebras of convolution operators;Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure;2022

5. A modern look at algebras of operators on Lp-spaces;Expositiones Mathematicae;2021-09







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