$\psi $
be a decreasing function. We prove zero-infinity Hausdorff measure criteria for the set of dual
$\psi $
-approximable points and for the set of inhomogeneous multiplicative
$\psi $
-approximable points on nondegenerate planar curves. Our results extend theorems of Huang [‘Hausdorff theory of dual approximation on planar curves’, J. reine angew. Math.740 (2018), 63–76] and Beresnevich and Velani [‘A note on three problems in metric Diophantine approximation’, in: Recent Trends in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Contemporary Mathematics, 631 (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2015), 211–229] from s-Hausdorff measure, where
$s\in \mathbb R$
, to the more general g-Hausdorff measure, where g is a suitable class of dimension functions.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)