A cycle C of a graph G is dominating if
is a dominating set and
$V(G)\backslash V(C)$
is an independent set. Wu et al. [‘Degree sums and dominating cycles’, Discrete Mathematics344 (2021), Article no. 112224] proved that every longest cycle of a k-connected graph G on
$n\geq 3$
vertices with
$k\geq 2$
is dominating if the degree sum is more than
for any
pairwise nonadjacent vertices. They also showed that this bound is sharp. In this paper, we show that the extremal graphs G for this condition satisfy
$(n-2)/3K_1\vee (n+1)/3K_2 \subseteq G \subseteq K_{(n-2)/3}\vee (n+1)/3K_2$
$2K_1\vee 3K_{(n-2)/3}\subseteq G \subseteq K_2\vee 3K_{(n-2)/3}.$
Cambridge University Press (CUP)