SynopsisAs in an earlier paper by the author, three cardinal numbers, the shift, the defect and the collapse, are associated with each element of the full transformation semigroup ℑ(X), where X is an infinite set. It is shown that the elements of finite shift and non-zero defect form a subsemigroup F of ℑ(X). Moreover, if E(F) denotes the set of idempotents in F then 〈E(F)〉 = F, but (E(F))n ⊂F for every finite n. For each infinite cardinal m not exceeding ∣X∣ the set Qm of balanced elements of weight m, i.e. those with shift, defect and collapse all equal to m, forms a subsemigroup of ℑ(X). Moreover, (E(Qm))4=Qm,(E(Qm))3⊂Qm.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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25 articles.