1. Nathalie Bajos and Michèle Ferrand, ‘L’avortement à l’âge de raison’ [Abortion in the Age of Reason], Mouvements, 17 (2001), 99–105, 102.
2. Cécile Ventola, ‘Prescrire un contraceptif: le rôle de l’institution médicale dans la construction de catégories sexuées’ [Prescribing Contraception: The Role of Medicalisation in Gendering Birth Control], Genre, sexualité & société, 12 (2014). http://journals.openedition.org/gss/3215.
3. Summary of letters received by the Ministry: French National Archives, Ministry of Women’s Rights, 19910616/24.
4. French Family Planning Movement Archives, Contraception campaign, B 0153 CONT, Doc no 10440 and B 0131 CONT, Doc no 22544.
5. Letter from Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé and J.-H. Soutoul to the Minister of Health, 7 April 1980.