1. Roger Silverstone, op. cit. (note 9), 52; Sarah Franklin, op. cit. (note 6) 2013.
2. Michael Mulkay, op. cit. (note 14).
3. H. M. Collins, ‘Certainty and the Public Understanding of Science: Science on Television’, Social Studies of Science17 (1987), 689–71, 691, 692, 709.
4. Martin H. Johnson and Kay Elder, ‘The Oldham Notebooks: An Analysis of the Development of IVF 1969–1978. IV. Ethical Aspects, Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online, 1, 1 (2015), 34–45; Mulkay, op. cit. (note 14); Edwards and Steptoe, op. cit. (note 16); Katharine Dow, op. cit. (note 4).
5. Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe, op. cit. (note 16), 125.