1. In the 1920s Birds had been anxious to preserve an Indian shareholding in Titaghur Paper Mills (preferably a holding by G. D. Birla) to aid the case for a tariff. By the late 1930s, however, the firm wanted no extension of protection as this would encourage new units of production which would threaten TPM's established market (see Diary entry 29.6.30 in BP VII and J. A. McKerrow to E. C. Benthall of 23.11.37 in BP XIV). TPM relied heavily on government purchases of paper to give an assured market and the company operated a ring for tendering with the other established paper manufacturers, Indian Paper and Pulp Co. and Bengal Paper Mills. When, in 1928, a new Indian company, the Punjab Pulp and Paper Mills, received a contract from the Punjab Government before it had even started production, Birds considered an appeal to the Commerce Member of the Government of India (see E. S. Tarlton to E. C. Benthall of 15.12.28 in BP I). However this did not prove necessary as the Punjab mill closed down after nine months.
2. ‘Memorandum of conversation with Mr Gandhi on 29.9.31 at 4, Deanery Street’ by E. C. Benthall in BP II. This, of course, was advocacy, but then much of the evidence on which the opposite case of collusion between bureaucrats and expatriates to inhibit the growth of Indian industry is based is also advocacy. It seems as unwise to try to write the history of Indian industry in the twentieth century on the basis of the evidence given by aspiring industrialists to the Banking Enquiry Commission and the Tariff Boards as it would be to try to write the political history of the same period on the basis of the evidence given by aspiring politicians to the Indian Statutory Commission. Yet such evidence forms the basis of existing analyses of Indian industrial (under)development.
3. See E. C. Benthall to A. P. Benthall of 24.8.41 in BP XV: E. C. Benthall to G. B. Morton of 17.8.41 and G. B. Morton to E. C. Benthall of 8.12.41 in BP XVIII.
4. ‘Memorandum on shares held in Birds Companies by subsidiaries’ loc. cit. in BP XIV.