1. 1. See among others P. Nieuwbeerta (1995) The Democratic Class Struggle in Twenty Countries 1945-1990 (Amsterdam: Thesis Publishers). R. J. Dalton (2002) Political cleavages, issues, and electoral change. In: L. Le Duc, R. G. Niemi and P. Norris
2. 2. (eds) Comparing Democracies 2. New Challenges in the Study of Elections and Voting (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications), pp. 189-209. R. Inglehart (1990) Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society (Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press).
3. Cleavages
4. Potential for contestation on European matters at national elections in Europe
5. 3. O. Knutsen (1995) Party choice. In: J. W. v. Deth and E. Scarbrough