1. Studies of Babesia gibsoni infections of dogs in Ceylon;Seneviratna;Ceylon Veterinary Journal,1965
2. Preliminary report of a new piroplasm (Piroplasma gibsoni sp.nov.) found in the blood of the hounds of the Madras Hunt and subsequently discovered in the blood of a jackal Canis aureus;Patton;Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie exotique,1910
3. On a species of Babesia in an Indian wild cat (Felis catus);Mudaliar;The Indian Veterinary Journal,1950
4. Eine unbekannte Babesienart bein Jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguarundi);Dennig;Die Kleintierpraxis,1967
5. Sur les piroplasmoses des carnassiers et sur un nouveau piroplasme des félins (Babesiella felis) chez le puma: Felis concor;Carpano;Bulletin,1934