1. Meyer, Outlines, op. cit. (note 46), 3.
2. Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic Nursing Manual, circa 1916, unpublished instruction manual consisting of sixty-eight typewritten pages bound with cloth tape and organised alphabetically by topic, XII/24/41, AMC, op. cit. (note 4). Page 2.
3. Lamb, Pathologist, op. cit. (note 12), 167–83.
4. Elsewhere I offer detailed analyses of Meyer’s use of and patients’ responses to the hospital routine in the Phipps Clinic, and of Meyerian psychotherapy, including a critical comparison of psychobiology and psychoanalysis in the pre-war period. See Lamb, Pathologist, chs 5 and 6, op. cit. (note 12).
5. Case DSE-923. All case histories cited in this paper are from Medical Records Department, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD. The identities of patients are protected by substituting suitable alternatives for some biographical data.