1. Robots Learning to Say “No”
2. Ligthart, M. , Fernhout, T. , Neerincx, M. A. , van Bindsbergen, K. L. , Grootenhuis, M. A. , & Hindriks, K. V. (2019). A Child and a Robot Getting Acquainted – Interaction Design for Eliciting Self-Disclosure. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 13–17 May, Montreal, Canada , pp. 61–70.
3. Identifying Interaction Patterns of Tangible Co-Adaptations in Human-Robot Team Behaviors
4. Carpenter, J. (2013). The Quiet Professional: An investigation of US military Explosive Ordnance Disposal personnel interactions with everyday field robots . Doctoral dissertation. University of Washington. ResearchWorks Archive. http://hdl.handle.net/1773/24197
5. Robots That Say “No” Affective Symbol Grounding and the Case of Intent Interpretations