
von Falkenhausen Lothar


AbstractMagdalene von Dewall was the only anthropologically oriented specialist in East and Southeast Asian archaeology in Germany in her generation. Her scholarly work on chariots, Dian bronzes, funerary archaeology, and other topics, was often far ahead of its time when published, and it remains worth reading. This article attempts to recount Magdalene von Dewall's biography and intellectual lineage and to characterize her scholarly contributions. It also describes how, largely thanks to Magdalene von Dewall's assiduous efforts, her field of study has gradually gained a certain measure of academic recognition in Germany during recent years.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Literature and Literary Theory,Philosophy,Religious studies,Archaeology,History,Archaeology

Reference89 articles.

1. Dewall Magdalene von . unpublished (f). Entries on “Bronzeplastik,” “Bronzeverarbeitung,” “Dongson-Ornamentik,” and “Tierstil.” Written for Lexikon der Ethnologie, Klaus E. Müller (ed.). Frankfurt: Campus-Verlag. [A multi-volume reference work that was never published (I am grateful to Jeanette Werning for having verified this).]

2. Dewall Magdalene von . unpublished (yy). “Wechselbeziehungen von Sachgut und Bildform (Bronzetrommeln, Situla u.a.) in szenischen Darstellungen figürlicher verzierter früher Bronzen aus Südchina-Südostasien und mitteleuropäische Gegenbeispiele der Hallstatt-Kultur.” Article listed as in progress in 1997, possibly to be submitted to Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie.

3. Dewall Magdalene von . unpublished (e). “The Musical and Social Instrumentality of Bronze Age Percussion Metallophones in Traditional Communities of the Far Eastern Nanfang Region.” [Written for the symposium “The Archaeology of Music: Sources, Methods, and Issues” (Cambridge, December 7–10, 1991); slated for publication under the editorship of Ann Buckley, but apparently never appeared.]

4. Dewall Magdalene von . unpublished (uu). “Archaeology in China Studies: Pleading for the Significance of the Insignificant.” Paper presented at the XVth Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg, 2004.

5. Dewall Magdalene von . unpublished (r). “Archäologie als Völkerkunde im Südwesten des Han-zeitlichen China.” Lecture presented at the Lessing-Hochschule, Berlin, 1981.







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