1. ALDERS, R. (2006b) Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: establishing a learning system to capture and enhance knowledge of pitfalls and best practices in controlling outbreaks of zoonotic diseases. Presentation at the ALive Research Proposal Development Workshop, 4–6 July 2006, Nairobi, Kenya.
2. ALDERS, R. (2006c) Prevention and control of HPAI in Lao PDR. Consultancy report to ECTAD FAO, April 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.
3. ALDERS, R. (2006d) Prevention and control of HPAI in SE Asia. Consultancy report to ECTAD FAO, October 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.
4. ALDERS, R. (2006e) Thoughts on information, education and communication material available on the prevention and control of HPAI. Discussion paper ECTAD FAO, November 2006, Bangkok, Thailand.