The Underground Structure of Eastern England


Rastall R. H.


The foregoing sketch brings out marked resemblances in the geological features of eastern and southern England on the one hand, and the neighbouring parts of the continent on the other. In both areas we find an old plateau of pre-Devonian rocks, against which Devonian and Carboniferous rocks are violently thrust from the south by Armorican and Variscan folds, giving rise to highly complex coal-basins in Belgium, France and Somerset, a type of structure possibly to be encountered in the future in Kent. In Belgium this plateau sinks to the north-east under the Campine coalfield, while in England its north-west margin is complicated by the incidence of posthumous folds of Charnian strike.In eastern England, east of the Charnwood line, there is evidence for the existence of Professor Kendall's Willoughby axis, with north-west strike; between this and the Charnwood line there are indications of similar parallel buried trend-lines in the folding and faulting of the visible Yorks-Derby-Notts coalfield, and also, as suggested by Professor Fearnsides, in the general shape of this basin.Further to the north, however, the general line of the Cleveland and Market Weighton axes is not Charnian, being about west 5° north. The Market Weighton axis, which is of Charnian type, with many repeated movements, does not form the boundary of the coalfield; this is in fact constituted by the southern flank of the broad Cleveland uplift, which is of Wealden type; an anticline superposed on an earlier sinking area.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)



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