Herring Investigations at Plymouth. VI. Winter Herrings Caught off the Sussex Coast and in the Great West Bay during the Years 1924 to 1927


Ford E.


As explained in Part I of this series of Reports (Ford, 1, p. 238) it was thought that the study of herrings landed at other ports would provide information bearing upon the question of the origin and migrations of the shoals visiting Plymouth during the winter. The examination of the appreciable number of such samples obtained, however, has yielded results which are of interest in themselves, apart from their application to the question of the Plymouth fishery. In this paper, an account is given of the study of herrings landed at Hastings and Brighton from off the Sussex coast, and at Brixham from the Great West Bay. It is necessary to point out that the sampling was not specifically designed for such a study, so that due allowance for this fact must be made in drawing conclusions as to the progress of the local fisheries.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference5 articles.

1. Hodgson W. C. The Herrings of the Eastern Part of the English Channel. Nature, March 6th, 1926.

2. Investigations into the Age, Length, and Maturity of the Herring of the Southern North Sea;HODGSON;Min. Agric. Fish., Fish. Invest.,1925

3. Éludes diverses sur la question du Hareng;Legall;Office Scient. Tech. des Pêches Mar.,1926

4. First Report on Young Herring in the Southern North Sea and English Channel;Wallace;Min. Agric. Fish., Fish. Invest.,1924

5. Herring Investigations at Plymouth;Ford;Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc.,1928








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