Goodwin Claire,Jones Jennifer,Neely Karen,Brickle Paul
Sponge samples were taken by SCUBA diving from four sites around Stanley and nine sites at the Jason Islands in the Falkland Islands. Twelve new species are described: Iophon pictoni sp. nov., Lissodendoryx (Ectyodoryx) jasonensis sp. nov., Phorbas ferrugineus sp. nov., Phorbas shackletoni sp. nov., Myxilla (Styloptilon) acanthotornota sp. nov., Amphilectus fleecei sp. nov., Amphilectus dactylus sp. nov., Mycale (Aegogropila) nodulosa sp. nov., Scopalina erubescens sp. nov., Scopalina bunkeri sp. nov., Amphimedon calyx sp. nov. and Pachychalina erinacea sp. nov. Information is also provided on the distribution and external appearance of other sponge species: Iophon proximum Ridley, 1881, Clathria (Dendrocia) tuberculata Burton, 1934, Tedania (Tedania) mucosa Thiele, 1905, Tedania (Tedania) murdochi Topsent, 1915, Halichondria (Eumastia) attenuata Topsent, 1915, Siphonochalina fortis Ridley, 1881 and Haliclona (Soestella) chilensis Thiele, 1905. The biogeography of the Falklands' sponge fauna is discussed.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)