1. 3. Hodgson W. C. “The Herrings of the Eastern Part of the English Channel.” Nature, March 6th, 1926.
2. Rassenuntersuchungen am Hering;Schnakenbeck;Berichte Deutsch. Wiss. Komm. Meeresforsch,1927
3. Investigations into the Age, Length and Maturity of the Herring of the Southern North Sea;Hodgson;Min. Agric. Fish., Fish. Invest., Ser.,1925
4. On the Summer and Autumn Spawning Herrings of the North Sea;Johansen;Medd. fra. Komm. Havunders., Ser. Fisk.,1924
5. 5. Le Gall J. “Éludes diverses sur la question du Hareng.” Office Scient. Tech. des Pêches Mar., Notes et Rapp., No. 48, 1926.