AbstractSuckerfish attached to dolphin species have been extensively reported worldwide, yet such association has been rarely seen in the tropical and shallow waters of South America. In Brazil, the Guiana dolphin Sotalia guianensis is distributed along almost the entire extent of the coast and only one case of association with suckerfish has been published. Here we report on a sharksucker Echeneis naucrates associated with a young Guiana dolphin on the north-eastern coast of Brazil. The juvenile dolphin with an attached sharksucker was observed on two occasions separated by a 47-day period; we hypothesize the occurrence of host attachment fidelity. The present report adds information to better discuss the ecological interactions between echeneids and dolphins, and expands the baseline information on cetacean species serving as host to suckerfish.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Cambridge University Press (CUP)