1. Étude des Annélides du golfe de Marseille;Marion;Annales des Sciences Naturelles,1875
2. Uschakov, PV (1972) Fauna of the USSR. Polychaetes. Vol. I. Polychaetes of the suborder Phyllodociformia of the Polar Basin and the northwestern part of the Pacific (Families Phyllodocidae, Alciopidae, Tomopteridae, Typhloscolecidae, and Lacydoniidae) Akademia Nauk SSSR, Zoologicheskii Institute 102, pp. 1–271.
3. MEGA7: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis Version 7.0 for Bigger Datasets
4. A simple method for estimating evolutionary rates of base substitutions through comparative studies of nucleotide sequences
5. Uschakov, PV (1958) Dra novykh vida mnogoshchetinkovykh chervei iz semeistva Phyllodocidae (Polychaeta) s abissal'nykh glubin Kurilo–Kamchatskor padiny [Two new species of polychaetes belonging to the family Phyllodocidae from the abysses of the Kurile-Kamchatka depression]. Trudy Institute Okeanologia, Akademia Nauk SSSR 27, pp. 204–207.