The host-specificity, micro-ecology, adhesive attitudes, and comparative morphology of some trematode gill parasites


Llewellyn J.


In recent years there have been several accounts of the occurrence of diclidophoroidean trematodes parasitic on the gills of fishes, e.g. Price (1943), Sproston (1946), Dawes (1947), Brinkmann (1952), and Chauhan (1953), and these accounts have included descriptions of the morphology of the parasites. The distribution records have revealed a generally high degree of host specificity and, in some species, a preference even for certain gill arches of the particular hosts, while the morphological descriptions have shown that there is a considerable variation in the form of the parasites, extending to various degrees of deviation from bilateral symmetry (PI. I, figs. 1–11). These morpho-logical variations are present in spite of the fact that the different parasites occupy such broadly similar habitats in the gill chambers of their respective hosts. But, as far as I am aware, this is the first attempt to investigate the distribution and morphology of the parasites in relation to their micro-habitats.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference16 articles.

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