A description of the spermatheca ofSpirorbis spirorbis(L.) (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) and evidence for a novel mode of sperm transmission


Daly John M.,Golding David W.


Brood protection is characteristic of the Spirorbinae although the mode of protection differs widely between species (Bailey, 1969; Knight-Jones, Knight-Jones & Vine, 1972). The way in which these protected eggs are successfully fertilized has been a subject of speculation (Gee & Williams, 1965; Franzen, 1956; Potswald, 1968). Individuals of the Spirorbinae are simultaneous hermaphrodites and the possible role of self-fertilization in their reproduction has been considered (Gee & Williams, 1965; Potswald, 1968). In the past, these problems have been discussed with the tacit assumption that no spermatheca is present in the Spirorbinae.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference23 articles.

1. The morphology and function of accessory reproductive glands in the lophophores ofPhoronis vancouverensis andPhoronopsis harmeri

2. Biologie, Anatomie und Systematik der Siisswasserpolychaeten des Baikalsees;Zenkewitsch;Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ôkologie und Geographie der Titre,1925

3. Studies on sperm survival mechanisms in the female reproductive tract of hibernating bats. I. Cytology and ultra-structure of intra-uterine spermatozoa inMyotis lucifugus

4. Zur organisation und fortpflanzung vonPisione remota (Southern) (polychaeta, pisionidae)

5. Söderström A. , 1920. Studien über die Polychätenfamilie Spionidae. 286 pp. Inaugural dissertation, University of Uppsala. Almqvist & Wiksells.








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