AbstractThis study aims to determine the relationship between physico-chemical variables on a seasonal basis and wild fish assemblages beneath sea-cage fish farms. Assemblages of wild fish were counted monthly on two separate days at each of six fish farms between August 2015 and July 2017, by six rapid visual counts (RVC) in 5 minutes with scuba by two divers. Seawater samples were simultaneously taken by a Nansen bottle during the RVC from the fish farm barge. SST (°C), salinity (ppm), dissolved oxygen (mg l−1) and pH were measured by YSI multiparameter, while Secchi disk was also used for light transmittance. Wild fish species richness went up with increasing temperature and salinity in the Izmir region, however, this stopped at about 26°C and about 39 ppm. Wild fish richness increased when the DO was at a level of 7 mg l−1 and the pH at about 7.9 in Izmir. Between 10 and 20 m, light transmittance showed greater wild fish species richness in Izmir region. In contrast, the wild fish species richness of the Muğla region fluctuated more. In terms of wild fish species richness, these fluctuations increased with salinity and DO, while they decreased with SST, pH and light transmittance. However, the range of variation of the recorded physico-chemical variables is rather narrow. The results of the correlation matrix indicate that the relationship between wild fish species richness and pH and SST was statistically significant in Izmir region (P < 0.05).
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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6 articles.