Cetacean stranding and diet analyses in the North Aegean Sea (Greece)


Milani C.B.,Vella A.,Vidoris P.,Christidis A.,Koutrakis E.,Frantzis A.,Miliou A.,Kallianiotis A.


Cetacean stranding reports in the North Aegean Sea were recorded since 1998 from Strimonikos Gulf in Chalkidiki up to Alexandroupoli on the Turkish border and in a few northern Aegean islands. On site, the specimens were examined to identify species, gender, approximate age and, when possible, cause for stranding. A total of 26 filled stomachs of five cetacean species collected since 2002 were analysed: bottlenose dolphinsTursiops truncatus(N = 8), common dolphinsDelphinus delphis(N = 8), harbour porpoisesPhocoena phocoena(N = 5), striped dolphinsStenella coeruleoalba(N = 4) and Risso's dolphinsGrampus griseus(N = 1). From the analysed stomachs it was found that the bottlenose dolphins fed mainly on snake blennyOphidion barbatum(34%), bogueBoops boops(22%) and round sardinellaSardinella aurita(13%); common dolphins on round sardinella (17%), picarelsSpicaraspp. (10%) and Cocco's lantern fishLobianchia gemellaris(9%); harbour porpoises on Gobidae (four-spotted gobyDeltentosteus quadrimaculatus41% and black gobyGobius niger37%) and round sardinella (7%); striped dolphins on Myctophydae (Madeira lantern fishCeratoscopelus maderensis51%), and on Pfeffer's enople squidAbraliopsis morisii(10%) and bogue (8%); and Risso's dolphin exclusively on Teuthidae (31%), the umbrella squidHistioteuthis bonellii(30%) and the reverse jewel squidH. reversa(14%). The present work represents the first attempt to investigate the diet up to species level for several cetaceans in Greek waters and for harbour porpoises stranded in the Mediterranean Sea.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference106 articles.

1. Cetaceans and cetology in the Hellenic Seas;Frantzis;European Research on Cetaceans,1997

2. Stomach content of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from the Turkish western Black Sea in spring and early summer;Tonay;Rapport Commissione Internationale Mer Méditerranée,2007








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