1. Zinova E. S. , 1954. [Seaweeds found (a) in Okhotsk Sea, (Jb) in the Gulf of Tartary, (c) round south-eastern Kamchatka (Titles transl.).] Acta Inst. bot. Acad. Sci. URSS, Ser. 2, Plantae Cryptogamae, Fasc. 9, pp. 259–310; 311–64, 365–400. [In Russian.]
2. XIII.—The Brackish‐water Lochs of Orkney
3. Norum E. , 1913. Brunalger fra Haugesund og Omegn. Nyt. Mag. Naturv., Bd. 51, pp. 137–60, pi. 2.