The Vertical Distribution of Marine Macroplankton. II. The Pelagic Young of Teleostean Fishes in the Day-time in the Plymouth Area, with a Note on the Eggs of certain Species


Russell F. S.


1. Horizontal hauls were made with a “stramin” ring-trawl and a silk net at different depths in 1924 and 1925 to determine the vertical distribution of the pelagic post-larval stages of Teleostean fish in daylight. The depths at which the nets fished on every occasion were obtained by means of a graphic depth-recorder.2. It was indicated that there are specific differences in the behaviour of the post-larvae of various fishes as to their vertical distribution in daylight, some preferring the surface layers, others apparently indifferently distributed from surface to bottom, and others preferring the deeper layers and avoiding the surface; of these last it was found that somespecies became abundant at deeper levels than others. A tentative list of distribution types is given on page 107. 3. Eesults emphasise the necessity when examining the horizontal distribution of young fish of sampling all layers : oblique hauls are to be desired fishing at as many levels as possible. 4. Mention is made of seasonal distribution : the year 1924 appeared to differ from 1925 in that certain post-larvae which were prevalent in the plankton well into June or July in the former year were cut short a month earlier in 1925.The post-larvae of Molva molva and of Lophius piscatorius were unusually abundant in 1924 ; post-larval Gobies (Gobiidce) and Wrasses (Labridce) were extremely scarce in 1925 during the months April to beginning of August.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference24 articles.

1. First Report on Young Herring in the Southern North Sea and English Channel. Part I. Distribution and Growth of Larval and Post-larval Stages;Wallace;Min. Agric. Fish. Fishery Invest., Ser. II,1924

2. Ueber die Eimenge der im Winter laichenden Fische. Die Nordsee Expedition, 1895, des Deutschen Seefischerei;Hensen;Vereins. Wissensch. Meeresunter. N.F,1897

3. Ehrenbaum E. Eier und Larven von Fischen. Nordisches Plankton. Vierte Lieferung. 1905.

4. The distribution of Plaice eggs in the Northern North Sea, II;Bowman;Fish. Board, Scotland, Sci. Invest,1921

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