1. Richard J. , 1934. Liste générale des stations des campagnes scientifiques du Prince Albert de Monaco. Résult. Camp. sci. Monaco, Fasc. 89, 471 pp.
2. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine;Bigelow;Fish. Bull., U.S.,1953
3. A study of the sharks of the suborder Squaloidea;Bigelow;Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv.,1957
4. Studies on New Zealand Elasmobranchii. Part XI. Squaloids of the genera Deania, Etmopterus, Oxynotus and Dalatias in New Zealand waters;Garrick;Trans, roy. Soc. N.Z.,1960
5. A line-fishing survey of the fishes of the S.E. Australian continental slope;Cowper;Rep. Div. Fish. Oceanogr. Aust.,1957