Studies on the biology of limpets: II. The breeding of Patella vulgata L. in Britain


Orton J. H.,Southward A. J.,Dodd J. M.


Some preliminary observations in North Cornwall (Orton, 1946) showed that the periods of breeding of the three British species of limpets were different. In order to determine these differences more accurately, and to study the breeding cycle, samples of limpets from six localities in Britain were examined at regular intervals for 5 years. This paper gives the results obtained for the common limpet Patella vulgata, which was present at all the localities sampled and was the most intensively studied of the three species. Later papers will deal with the remaining species and with other aspects of the investigations.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science

Reference20 articles.

1. The effects of wave-action on the distribution and numbers of the commoner plants and animals living on the Plymouth breakwater

2. The paedogenetic male cycle in Salmo salar L;Orton;Proc. roy. Soc.,1940

3. The fauna of some sandy and muddy beaches in the south of the Isle of Man;Southward;Proc. Lpool biol. Soc.,1953

4. Observations on Patella vulgata, Part I. Sex-phenomena, breeding and shell growth;Orion;J. Mar. biol. Ass. U.K.,1928







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