The extent of grazing release from epiphytism forSargassum muticum(Phaeophyceae) within the invaded range


Strong James A.,Maggs Christine A.,Johnson Mark P.


The overall biotic pressure on a newly introduced species may be less than that experienced within its native range, facilitating invasion. The brown algaSargassum muticum(Yendo) Fensholt is a conspicuous and successful invasive species originally from Japan and China. We comparedS. muticumand native macroalgae with respect to the biotic pressures of mesoherbivore grazing and ectocarpoid fouling. In Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland,S. muticumthalli were as heavily overgrown with seasonal blooms of epiphytic algae as native macroalgal species were. The herbivorous amphipodDexamine spinosawas much more abundant onS. muticumthan on any native macroalga. When cultured with this amphipod,S. muticumlost more tissue than three native macroalgae,Saccharina latissima(Linnaeus) Laneet al.,Halidrys siliquosa(Linnaeus) Lyngbye andFucus serratusLinnaeus.Sargassum muticumcultured with both ectocarpoid fouling and amphipods showed a severe impact, consistent with our previous findings of large declines in the density ofS. muticumobserved in the field during the peak of fouling. Despite being a recent introduction into the macroalgal community in Strangford Lough,S. muticumappears to be under biotic pressure at least equal to that on native species, suggesting that release from grazing and epiphytism does not contribute to the invasiveness of this species in Strangford Lough.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Aquatic Science







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