A digital ice-concentration database spanning 20 years (1960 to 1979) was established for the Great Lakes of North America. Data on ice concentration, i.e. the percentage of a unit surface area of the lake that is ice-covered, were abstracted from over 2 800 historic ice charts produced by United States and Canadian government agencies. The database consists of ice concentrations ranging from zero to 100% in 10% increments for individual grid cells of size 5 × 5 km constituting the surface area of each Great Lake. The data set for each of the Great Lakes was divided into half-month periods for statistical analysis. Maxinium, minimum, median, mode, and average ice-concentrations statistics were calculated for each grid cell and half-month period. A lakewide average value was then calculated for each of the half-month ice-concentration statistics for all grid cells for a given lake. Ice-cover variability and the normal extent and progression of the ice cover is discussed within the context of the lakewide averaged value of the minimum and maximum ice concentrations and the lakewide averaged value of the median ice concentrations, respectively. Differences in ice-cover variability among the five Great Lakes are related to mean lake depth and accumulated freezing degree-days. A Great Lakes ice atlas presenting a series of ice charts which depict the maximum, minimum, and median icecover concentrations for each of the Great Lakes for nine half-monthly periods, starting the last half of December and continuing through the last half of April will be published in 1983 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The database will be archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center of the National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS) in Boulder, Colorado, USA, also in 1983.
International Glaciological Society
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