1. Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010, OJ 2010 L 331/84. The ESMA website is at: . ESMA’s first official publication took the form of a FAQ document: ESMA, Frequently Asked Questions. A Guide to Understanding ESMA (2011). On ESMA, see further E. Ferran, ‘Understanding the Shape of the New Institutional Architecture of EU Financial Market Supervision’ (2010), available at: , and E. Wymeersch, ‘The Institutional Reforms to the European Financial Supervisory System’, 7 European Company and Financial Law Review (2010) p. 1. The companion piece to this article is forthcoming as N. Moloney, ‘The European Securities and Markets Authority and Institutional Design for the EU Financial Market — A Tale of Two Competences: Part (2) Rules in Action’, 12 European Business Organization Law Review (2011).
2. Respectively, Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010, OJ 2010 L 331/12, and Regulation (EU)No 1094/2010, OJ 2010 L 331/48. This article focuses on the securities markets and does not consider the institutional reforms in the banking and insurance sectors, or the array of regulatory measures adopted in the banking/insurance spheres, including the revisions to the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD II (Directive 2009/111/EC, OJ 2009 L 302/97) and CRD III (Directive 2010/76/EU, OJ 2010 L 329/3)).
3. Regulation (EU) No 1090/2010, OJ 2010 L 331/1. See further K. Alexander and E. Ferran, ‘Can Soft Law Bodies Be Effective: The Special Case of the European Systemic Risk Board’, 35 European Law Review (2010) p. 751.
4. Directive 2010/78/EU, OJ 2010 L 331/120.
5. A provisional proposal for an Omnibus Directive II has been published by the Commission (January 2011). It is concerned with the insurance sector, for the most part, although it makes some additional revisions to ESMA’s powers under the prospectus regime.