1. Book Review: The First Epistle of St Peter
2. See Bo Reicke , op. cit. p. 226.
3. See Carrington , The Primitive Christian Catechism (1940), and Selwyn's commentary
4. and a useful summary of the position in Bo Reicke, 'The Disobedient Spirits and Christian Baptism', Acta Sem. Neot. Upsal. xiii (1946), p. 229. But see also the serious difficulties in the way of this argument regarding I Peter exposed by C. L. Mitton, 'The Relationship between I Peter and Ephesians' (J.T.S. n.s. I, i (1950), pp. 67 ff.). He argues for the dependence of I Peter on Ephesians. Yet, are his examples conclusive?