Studies on the Helminths of India. Trematoda III


Bhalerao G. D.


In the case of the species Pleurogenes gastroporus observations are recorded in regard to the excretory pore, the position of the receptaculum seminis and the shell gland and the relative size of the suckers. The tendency to form new subspecies is deprecated.The new species Ganeo korkei has been described and separated from the allied species. Its specific diagnosis has been given.Ganeo tigrinum has been recorded from Rana tigrina in Nagpur.In the case of Mehraorchis ranarum observations have been recorded with regard to the position of mouth and oral sucker, prepharynx, pharynx, in stinal fork, testes, ovary, receptaculum seminis, uterus and the excretory bladder. Measurements of the material from Nagpur have been given.The new species Prosthodendrium pushpai has been described and separated from the allied species.The formation of the new genus Prosthodendrium Dollfus, 1931 for the species having vitellaria anterior to testes and retention of Lecithodendrium for those having vitellaria posterior to testes has been approved of. The genera Mesodendrium and Acanthatrium have been considered to be synonyms of Lecithodendrium and Prosthodendrium respectively. Reasons for so doing have been given.A key to the species of the genus Prosthodendrium has been given.The species P. cordiforme from Nyctinomus plicatus in Rangoon and P. ovimagnosum from Nycticejus pallidus in the Punjab have been recorded.The species Opisthorchis noverca from the wild dog, Cyon dukhunensis, in Calcutta has been studied and found to possess a prepharynx and no spines on the cuticle. Typical Opisthorchis noverca from a dog in the Punjab has been recorded.Echinochasmus perfoliatus from cats in Calcutta and Muktesar has been recorded.The non-tuberculate variety of Schistosoma spindalis has been recorded from a calf in Coorg.Halipegus mehransis has been recorded from Rana tigrina in Nagpur and in view of the variations occurring in this species the variety minutum has been abolished.Halipegus sp. has been recorded from the intestine of Rana tigrina in Nagpur.A critical review is given of the various species of Haplorchis (Heterophyidæ) recorded so far. The species H. taichui from cats in Calcutta and Muktesar has been recorded and measurements of a few of its organs given.History of the discovery of Isoparorchis hypselobagri is given and a few more hosts harbouring the larval forms are recorded.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Parasitology

Reference50 articles.

1. The intestinal parasites of the bat (Nyciinomus plicatus) with a list of the Trematodes hitherto recorded from Burma;Bhalerao;J. Burma. Res. Soc.,1926

2. On a new species of Trematode from Nycticejus pallidus, with a key to the species of Lecithodendrium;Bhalerao;Ann. Mag. nat,1926

3. Parasites of Oneida Lake fishes. Part ii. Descriptions of new species and some general Taxonomic considerations especially concerning the Trematode Family Heterophyidæ;Mueller;Roosevelt Wild Life Ann.,1932

4. Systematik und geographische Verbreitung der Gattung Opisthorchis R. Blanchard 1895, sowie Beiträge zur Chemotherapie und Pathologie der Opisthorchiasis

5. Two new Trematodes of the Family Heterophyidæ found in Formosa;Nishigori;J. med. Ass. Formosa,1924

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