Morphology of the oxyurid nematodesTrypanoxyuris (T.) cacajaon. sp. andT. (T.) ucayaliin. sp. from the red uakari monkeyCacajao calvus ucayaliiin the Peruvian Amazon


Conga D.F.,Giese E.G.,Serra-Freire N.M.,Bowler M.,Mayor P.


AbstractCacajao calvus ucayalii(Thomas, 1928) (Primates: Pitheciidae), a subspecies endemic to the Peruvian Amazon, occurs in patchy and sometimes isolated populations in north-eastern Peru and is in a vulnerable situation, mainly due to habitat loss and hunting. This rareness and remote distribution means that, until now, parasitical studies have been limited. Based on optical and scanning electron microscopy of specimens of both sexes, we report two new species ofTrypanoxyurispinworms occurring in the large intestine of the Peruvian red uakari, namelyTrypanoxyuris (Trypanoxyuris) cacajaoandTrypanoxyuris (Trypanoxyuris) ucayalii. Both species showed a distinct morphology of the lips and cephalic structure. Sexual dimorphism in the lateral alae was observed in both male and the female worms, with ventral ornamentation being shown in the oesophageal teeth. The finding of these new pinworm species highlights the possibility of discovering other species.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Animal Science and Zoology,General Medicine,Parasitology

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