Catecholamine-containing neurones and electrical self-stimulation: 1. a review of some data


Crow T. J.


SynopsisSYNOPSIS Experimental data on the location in the brain of electrode sites supporting electrical self-stimulation are reviewed. All previous studies are in agreement that the behaviour is most easily elicited from lateral hypothalamic sites corresponding approximately to the fibre pathways known as the ‘medial forebrain bundle’. Some brainstem electrode sites will support self-stimulation. Experiments are summarized which indicate that there is a correlation between the sites of electrode tips positive for self-stimulation and the location of catecholamine-containing neurones in two regions: (1) in the region of the dopamine-containing cells in the ventral mesencephalon (cell-body groups A9 and AIO of Dahlstr¨m and Fuxe, 1964), and (2) in the region of the noradrenaline-containing cells of the locus coeruleus (A6 group). These two cell-body groups give rise to axons which pass through the medial forebrain bundle to form terminal systems with a widespread distribution in the prosencephalon. The hypothesis is advanced that electrical self-stimulation results in the majority of cases from activation of one or both of these catecholamine-containing systems.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Psychiatry and Mental health,Applied Psychology

Reference48 articles.

1. Intracranial self-stimulation in cats

2. The anatomical locus of reinforcement;Valenstein;Progress in Physiological Psychology,1966

3. Self-stimulation of hippocampus in rats.

4. The supersensitivity caused by cocaine;Trendelenburg;Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics,1959

5. Effects of cocaine and antidepressant drugs on the nictitating membrane of the cat;Ryall;British Journal of Pharmacology,1961

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