Plasma ejections and waves in the solar corona are almost exclusively flare associated phenomena. Ejections of relatively cool and dense plasma are frequently observed in Hα whereas observations in coronal light (visible, EUV- and X-radiation) are still rather scarce. Occurrence of coronal waves is so far best known from their effects on the Hα chromosphere and, of course, from the production of radio bursts. Only in relatively few cases have observations been made in coronal lines and in coronal continuum by ground based as well as by satellite borne equipment. We may expect, however, that the white light coronagraph and the X-ray telescopes on board of the Skylab will detect quite a number of events in front of the solar disk and high in the solar corona and will considerably increase and improve our imperfect knowledge and understanding of coronal ejections and waves as it is presented in this review.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
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8 articles.