1. Discipline or Disruption? Stakeholder Relationships and the Effect of Takeover Threat
2. Debtholders’ Demand for Conservatism: Evidence from Changes in Directors’ Fiduciary Duties
3. Bebchuk, Lucian and Tallarita, Roberto , “‘Stakeholder’ Capitalism Seems Mostly for Show,” The Wall Street Journal, August 6, 2020, online: www.wsj.com/articles/stakeholder-capitalism-seems-mostly-for-show-11596755220
4. Smith, Erin , “How Short-Termism Impacts Public and Private R&D Investments” (June 7, 2016), Bipartisan Policy Center, online: https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/how-short-termism-impacts-innovation-investments/
5. The Drivers of Greenwashing