Safening Influence of LAB 145 138 on Nicosulfuron, Terbufos and Bentazon Interactions in Sweet Corn (Zea mays)


Robinson Darren K.,Monks David W.,Burton James D.


LAB 145 138 (LAB) was evaluated as a safener to improve sweet corn tolerance to nicosulfuron applied POST alone or with terbufos applied in the planting furrow or bentazon applied POST. To ensure enhanced injury for experimental purposes, nicosulfuron was applied at twice the registered rate alone or mixed with bentazon at the six- to seven-leaf growth stage of corn previously treated with the highest labeled rate of terbufos 15 G formulation. LAB applied as a seed treatment (ST) or POST at the two- to three-, four- to five-, or six- to seven-leaf growth stages reduced height reduction and yield loss from nicosulfuron applied POST in combination with terbufos applied in-furrow. LAB applied POST at the four- to five-leaf growth stage was most effective in preventing injury from this treatment, with yield reduced only 8% compared with 54% from the nicosulfuron and terbufos treatment. LAB applied POST at the eight- to nine-leaf growth stage did not alleviate injury. With the nicosulfuron, terbufos, and bentazon combination, LAB applied POST at the three- to four- or six- to seven-leaf growth stages decreased height reduction and yield loss caused by this combination, with LAB at the three- to four-leaf growth stage being most effective.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Plant Science,Agronomy and Crop Science







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