1. U.S. delegate.1969.A/24/PV.1718 (10 Dec. 1969), par. 141,143–47.
2. Soviet delegate.1974.A/29/C.1/SR.1229 (15 Oct. 1974),23
3. Jakhu Ram S. , and Riccardo Trecroce .1980.“International Satellite Monitoring for Disarmament and Development.”Annals of Air and Space Law 5:509–27.
4. Mexico.1981.Draft principles in A/AC.105/288 (20 Apr. 1981), Annex I,14.
5. Chapman John H. , and Gabriel I. Warren .1979.“Direct Broadcast Satellites, the ITU, UN, and the Real World.”Annals of Air and Space Law 4:413–32.