1. "The Nation Begins to Form": Competing Nationalisms in Morgan's The O'Briens and the O'Flahertys
2. Myers, Mitzi “Goring John Bull: Maria Edgeworth's Hibernian High Jinks versus the Imperialist Imaginary.” In Cutting Edges: Postmodern Critical Edges in Eighteenth-Century Satire, ed. James E. Gill, 367–94. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1995
3. Moers, Ellen. Literary Women: The Great Writers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1976
4. O'Farrell, Patrick J. Ireland's English Question: Anglo-Irish Relations 1534–1970. London: B. T. Batsford, 1971
5. Nine Revisionist Theses on the Picturesque