Cambridge University Press
Cited by
71 articles.
1. Hz. Peygamber’e Yönelik Eleştirilerin Tarihsel Evrimi ve Modern Çağa Yansımaları;Mizanü'l-Hak: İslami İlimler Dergisi;2024-06-30
2. Introduction;Moses among the Moderns;2024-04-19
3. A genealogy of Islamophobia in a global critical race framework: religion, whiteness, and controlling rationality;Ethnic and Racial Studies;2024-02-22
4. Mahomet au temps de Voltaire: Les Lumières face à l’Islam 1730-1830
Mahomet au temps de Voltaire: Les Lumières face à l’Islam 1730-1830
by Georges Minois, Paris, Perrin, 2023, 464 pp., 24,50€, ISBN: 9782262101213;Global Intellectual History;2024-02-10
5. The Incas and the Enlightenment: Andean Idols and European Discourses on Religion, 1550–1900;History of Religions;2023-11-01