1. The Quarter Million Boys. 26 September 1969. Written by Bloke Modisane and produced by Charles Lefeaux. First aired on the ‘Third Programme’ (later Radio 3).
2. Leave Well Alone. 1976. Written by Bloke Modisane. Broadcast on Radio 4 as the ‘Saturday Night Theatre’, 9 March.
3. Yiz’ Uvalo and Umanqob’ Isibindi [In Spite of Fear and The Victor Is Courage]. 1986–7. Written by Morris V. Bhengu, Yiz’ Uvalo: Cat. TS (Z/93) 1938–77.
4. uNokhwezi [Morning Star]. 1964–5. Written by Alexius Buthelezi, Acc. 43640, Cat. CDR (2010) 103 and TM (93) 8066–7.
5. Umcebo Owalahlekayo [The Lost Treasure]. 1968. Written by D. B. Z. Ntuli, featuring K. E. Masinga, Acc. 24648, Cat. TS (Z/68) 81–122.