1. Delgado, Rebeca . MAS Deputy for Cochabamba; MAS Delegate to the Constituent Assembly. La Paz, Bolivia, April 23, 2013.
2. Salazar, Julio . MAS Senator for Cochabamba; Cocalero Union Leader. La Paz, Bolivia, December 7, 2012.
3. Loayza, Sergio . MAS Deputy for Beni; Former Vice President of the MAS’s National Directorate. La Paz, Bolivia, November 5, 2012.
4. Romero, Asterio . Secretary General, Governorship of Cochabamba; Union Leader. Cochabamba, Bolivia, March 25, 2013.
5. Choque, Lidia . Former MAS-Santa Cruz President, Santa Cruz; Executive Member of the National Confederation of Peasant, Indigenous, and Native Women of Bolivia (CNMCIOB-BS). Santa Cruz, Bolivia, May 16, 2013.