1. Mental health among older refugees: the role of trauma, discrimination, and religiousness
2. 2 Hatzidimitriadou, E. (2005) ‘Growing Old in Exile1: Resettlement of Older Refugees in Europe’. Paper presented at the 7th European Sociological Association (ESA) Conference 2005. European Centre for the Study of Migration and Social Care, SSPSSR, University of Kent, UK, www.researchgate.net/publication/238106924_Growing_Old_in_Exile1_resettlement_of_older_refugees_in_Europe.
3. 31 Ward, K. , Amas, N. , Lagnado, J. (2008) Supporting disabled refugees and asylum seekers: Opportunities for new approaches. Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees, www.metropolitan.org.uk/images/Disability-Report.pdf.
4. The diversity and welfare of older migrants in Europe