1. Building a New American State
2. P Bofinger , ‘German Wage Moderation and the EZ Crisis’ CEPR’s Policy Portal (30 November 2015) https://voxeu.org/article/german-wage-moderation-and-ez-crisis accessed April 2018;
3. G Parker and A Barker , ‘David Cameron’s Adventures in Europe’ Financial Times (22 January 2016) www.ft.com/content/26cbc524-bfb4-11e5-846f-79b0e3d20eaf
4. A Barker and G Parker , ‘False Assumptions Underpinned British Strategy’ Financial Times (16 December 2011) www.ft.com/content/6c5e100e-27ee-11e1-a4c4-00144feabdc0 accessed April 2018